Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is an easy and flexible framework for turning your idea into a business model.  A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. This framework consists on 9 elements undertake the most important aspects of a business model: 

1) Customer Segments: The different groups of people or organizations an enterprise aims to reach and serve.

2) Customer Relationships: Type of relationships a company establishes with specific segments.

3) Channels: How the company communicates with and reaches its customer segments. 

4) Value Proposition: The bundle of products and services that create value for specific customer segment.

5) Key Activities: The most important things a company must do to make its business model work.

6) Key Resources: The most important assets required to make a business model work.

7) Key Partners: The network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work. 

8) Cost Structure: All the costs incurred to operate a business model.

9) Revenue Streams: The value (cash) a company generates from each  customer segment.

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